P&M (PREMIUM & MEDIUM) Industry Membership is open to Industry Members with a leading position in their Sector.
Applications are reviewed and will either be approve or declined.
P&M Industry Membership will receive commensurate Sponsor Visibility
P&M Industry Membership Status runs on a calendar year basis
P&M Industry Members are included in alphabetical order in both the Public and Members sections of the ECSA website, in the order of priority PREMIUM - MEDIUM:
- In the Public Section of the ECSA website - Sponsors Page, with its Logo, with a bullet point description of the provided services or products and with a link to its website.
- In the Members Section of the ECSA website - Industry Members Page, with its Logo, with a bullet point description of the provided services or products, with a link to its website and with the details of a dedicated contact person for the ECSA Members.
Inclusion in the website occurs as soon as practicable after the Medium or Premium Status has been approved.
- Rights to use the ECSA logo in the Member’s marketing materials (website, publications, ...)
- Possibility to register up to 5 nominative Industry Members
- 10% discount on all additional Industry Memberships
- Organization’s Staff (non ECSA Members) enjoy 10% discount on the Standard Rate for all ECSA activities
- ECSA Alert send to 2 Industry Members + 24h POC
- ECSA Info send to all Industry Members
- Priority over others to host ECSA events and to organize information sessions
- Priority over others to support specific events with exclusivity in the sector of activity
- Priority over others for introductions during ECSA events
- Rights to use the ECSA logo in the Member’s marketing materials (website, publications, ...)
- Possibility to register up to 10 nominative Industry Members
- 15% Discount on all additional Industry Memberships
- Organization’s Staff (non ECSA Members) enjoy 15% Discount on the Standard Rate for all ECSA activities
- ECSA Alert send to 2 Industry Members + 24h POC
- ECSA Info send to all Industry Members
- Priority over Medium Industry Members and others to host ECSA events and to organize information sessions
- Priority over Medium Industry Member and others to support specific events with exclusivity in the sector of activity
- Priority over Medium Industry Member and others for introductions during ECSA events
- Preference for speaking slots on ECSA events, when an appropriate fit exists
- Possibility to participate in ECSA Commissions which are normally restricted to Regular & Associated Members, where appropriately qualified and interested to do so